Norway Spruce

The Details


Heights Available for Sale: 6′ & 20-30’

Sometimes used as a Christmas tree, the Norway Spruce is a large, openly branched evergreen recognized by its drooping branchlets and large cones. This hardy, adaptable tree thrives in moist conditions but will grow in clay or sandy soils. The roots are strong making this tree an excellent windbreak. It competes well in long grass and can withstand high winds and drought. Norway Spruce is the fastest growing spruce. It can grow 2′ per year.

Wild West Tree Variety Norwegian Spruce
Ideal Conditions Sun to light shade, dry to normal
Life Span Long
Details Dark green dense foliage
Width at maturity 20’ +
Ease Low Maintenance
Suckering None
Tree Height at Maturity Up to 100’


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